Papaya dressed with orange juice is delicious.

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Jun 28Liked by Luisa Weiss

I love papaya. But it’s only good when it smells funky and kind of terrible.

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Sounds delicious. I think adding lemon or lime juice to a fruit salad, er whatever we're calling it, makes such a difference. My kids love fruit salad so I make it often, but definitely no apples allowed.

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Papaya + fresh lime = heaven! This looks like heaven, too.

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Jun 29Liked by Luisa Weiss

"Stop putting strawberries in your savory salads for the love of Pete." Gospel.

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Jun 29Liked by Luisa Weiss

The coldest fruit I ever ate were very refrigerated (delicious) figs in Sicily (from the tree of my then boyfriends aunt, but Sicilians are of course not Italians ;-)

Also: my son loves fruit salad so much he requested it once instead of birthday cake. I get the aversion (and also know certain fruit I hate in there (stone hard pears, no thank you), but I think one trick is to cut the pieces quite small so the textures and tastes merge easily. The fruit salad my husband makes follows this rule and is very lovely.

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I should have said that fresh figs are the exception and should always be served chilled! 🤣

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I won’t be making this fruit concoction (not salad!) because these particular fruits are simply WAY too expensive in my area but your footnotes are the BEST!!

Especially the one about your husband and his oatmeal.

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